Oh dear, iTunes took a dump all over my music directory. It seems like when you ask to have your library consolidated, it will sometimes duplicate all of your music files until you realize it's shitting all over your hard drive like a puppy with no bowel control. This is like if you told your manservent (let's call him "Jeeves"): "Jeeves, would you please gather up all my fanciful manuscripts and books and consolidate them into my library so I can easily find them?" and Jeeves goes and makes a big trip to kinkos and comes back with photocopies of all of your documents and then kinda leaves them all over the floor. And takes a dump on your porch for good measure. I had to write a damn perl script to clean up the mess, because I can't think of a good way to rub iTunes' nose in it's mess. Any suggestions of how to punish it are welcomed.
hate hate HATE

p.s. when trying to post this I got a delicious error that said, and I quote, "posting failed -- qmail barfed!"
What kind of awful hateful error message is that? ¡ODIO!


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