Dear Great Big Smelly Piece of S... S... Software, that shall remain
unnamed not to protect the guilty, not even to protect the innocent,
but merely because if I have to once more utter, write, or type its
German-sounding name, its three-letter acronym, or its trade name that
brings up associations of both physics and topology, I *will* be
violently sick all over the desk and the floor, and the cleaning lady
has done absolutely nothing to deserve the extra amount of work.

We have known each other for a full year now.  We've been through good
times and bad times - or, at least, that's how the saying goes, while
actually it feels more like bad times and worse times, and I'm kinda
reminded of the English joke about the doctor's son who, when asked for
the comparative and superlative degree of "bad", promptly answered
"bad, worse, dead".  Some people might say that such intimacy over
the course of an year is grounds for a nice, healthy, long-standing
relationship.  Some people might go steal an H-bomb, drop it into
the crater of an active volcano, watch the blast from a respectful
distance, then briskly walk over to the gap of the newly-formed crater,
and do a double somersault - backwards - into the hot, spicy, bubbling,
radioactive lava.

How do I hate you?  Let me count the ways...

Way the First - Message Queueing.

Okay, so you're based on a well-thought-out, industry standard, fully
buzzword-compliant message queueing architecture from a certain bluish
software and hardware company.  So far, so good.  But did you really
*need* to take the concept of message queues, turn it inside out, marvel
at the shiny bits inside, *then* turn it upside down, shake it violently,
and run with it?  Did you really, really have to define a separate queue
model for pretty much every single query (oh, excuse me, those are not
queries, those are not even messages, those are *processes* now), then
squeal, throw a hissy fit, roll over and die each time somebody sends
you a message with the wrong queue model?

And oh, certainly, every now and then some part of you decides to send a
reply on the *wrong* dynamic queue, then just sits and waits until
Somebody(tm) comes along and fetches the message that nobody expects to
be there - in the meantime, refusing to process any further messages,
since "nobody fetched the response of the previous one yet".  What's
that you're saying?  Timeouts?  Ah, sure, there are timeouts - and
pretty much reasonable timeouts, too - reasonable for your friendly
neighbourhood planetologist, I mean!

Way the Second - Error Reporting.

Security measures?  Oh, of course you've implemented security measures,
no question about it!  Like... let me tell you a story of many moons
ago, painful as it is for me to even remember...

So we're on site, fighting with said core banking system for the
finishing touches of the pilot project.  Suddenly, with absolutely
NOTHING changed on our end, the system stops responding to our queries.
Yep, we send a message, we send another one, we send fifteen different
kinds of queries that worked, like, what, two minutes ago - and just
like with the Fab Four, "No Reply".

For two hours - two whole goddam hours - we work with the bank's IT
guys, trying to diagnose all sorts of problems - all the way from
network connectivity through protocols up to the system being up in the
first place, which it obviously is, since no one at the bank is running
around in panic and tearing his hair out - no one but us, I mean.
Finally, one of the IT junkies comes up with a bright idea: "What
account are you trying to use?  THAT one?!  Oh, it was just a temporary
one, it expired today!"  "Er, what?!  Why didn't you tell us that two
hours ago?"  "I just thought of it..." "Uhm, wasn't it in the logs or
something?" "Logs?  What logs?  It doesn't log this kind of problem
anywhere, it just drops your query on the floor."

Uhm.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?!

Now I'm not exactly what you'd call an omniscient security guru or
anything, but...  Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the core banking
system receives - via the bank's internal network, no less - a query
with the wrong auth credentials, there are two, and only two, plausible
- something is misconfigured on the bank's internal network, and
  the bloody administrator freakin' needs to know about it - NOW!
- somebody is trying something nasty ON THE BANK'S INTERNAL NETWORK, and
  the bloody administrator freakin' needs to know about it - NOW!

What am I missing?  Please tell me, what the hell am I missing?

Way the Third - Fragility... or Reversibility... or Something

So our application has to report the last 15 transactions on the
customer's account.  There's a query - uh, 'scuse me, a process - that
returns the full information about the transactions on the account for a
given time period, 60 at a time.  We run it, fetch 'em all, the use the
last 15.

Of course, a Corporate Customer comes in with many, many transacions per
day, and the "fetch 'em all" strategy leads to a wee bit of waiting on
the line.  Fine, so the query we are using has a "direction" parameter
that lets us fetch the transactions going back in time.

Clickety-click - ten lines changed in the code, a *single character*
changed in the query sent to the core banking system.

Half an hour of testing, everybody goes home happy.

The next morning, five frantic phone calls in as many minutes: "We are
missing transactions!  We are not reporting transactions!  We can see
the transactions on our system, but your app does not show them!"

Nah, impossible, innit?  Well, let's humor them, let's go over and

Yep, our app is missing transactions all right.

An hour and a half later, after I've made each and every test known to
humanity and then some, I go back to the bank's IT department, and, in
exasperation, ask them, "Look, I *know* this sounds silly, but I just
have to cover everything now... have you heard about any problems with
such-and-such query when going back in time?"

"Oh, of course!  That's a known problem - you're not actually using it,
are you now?"

Must... not... explode...  Must... not... climb... walls...  Must...
not... bring... walls... down...

A single-character change in the query.

Reverse the order that the results are returned in.

Get a whole different batch of results.  Yep, not only were some
transactions missing, the banking system actually made up a couple of
new ones, just to keep us giggling happily until the straitjackets are
cut to size!

Way the Fourth... oh, well, nevermind, I *really* could go on like this
all day - nay, all week, if I have to - but there just ain't enough
sedatives in the world, not even of the triple-distilled variety, to
help me up afterwards!

So, Dear Great Big Smelly Piece of S... S... Software!  There was a
certain Monk in a certain Monastery who came up with the idea that there
is indeed a Biblical way of expressing the sentiment usually dished out
as a four-letter acronym that starts with an 'F', ends with a 'D', and
somewhere in the middle there's an 'O' and an 'A'; the Biblical quote in
question was "Go forth and multiply!"  Well, if "multiply" is extended
to cover "do not, under any circumstances, create ANY ADDITIONAL COPIES
of yourself, but simply use a high-power charge to create many, many
disjoint small parts of you, all subtly different"... then by all means,
dear core banking system, do kindly go forth and multiply!
And no, I do *not* need to know when this happens - for if I never, ever
hear anything about you again, it will have been an year too late!

Loping off to scream, leap out of the long grass, and rip soft bits off
small furry animals,

Peter Pentchev
PGP key:
Key fingerprint FDBA FD79 C26F 3C51 C95E  DF9E ED18 B68D 1619 4553
What would this sentence be like if pi were 3?

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