On 05/12/06 10:41 Matt McLeod wrote:
> On 12/5/06, Robert Rothenberg <rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 05/12/06 04:27 Peter da Silva wrote:
>> > This isn't anything to do with DRM, it's all about syncing.
>> I disagree. ...
>> When I use rsync, by default it does not delete unless given the option.
> You miss the point.  The problem isn't that Apple uses DRM (or the
> particular variant they're using), it's the way they implemented
> syncing ...
> Which may or may not be hateful, but has nothing to do with DRM.

My reply was poorly worded. I disagree that one should have expected things
to be deleted: their syncing is hateful.

I've learned the hard way that Apple software will when given the slightest
opportunity delete data--- usually without warning.

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