On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 01:57:34AM +1030, Bill Page wrote:
> On 12/4/06, sabrina downard <v...@ziggurat.org> wrote:
> > [Apple hate]
> so what you're saying is that you didn't use the tools provided

Would those be the Apple tools that "forget" to copy some things and so
are to all intents and purposes useless?

My tale of Appley woe comes from a recent hard disk upgrade  in my
Powerook.  Due to Laziness (and also lack of time) I paid the nice shop
people to install the new disk and copy over (in fact, the word used was
"clone") all my data.  It was rather handy that I could drop the machine
with them on the way to work and pick it up on the way home.

But when I picked it up, my /usr/local had disappeared, all the
developer tools (Apple's own developer tools!) were not there,
customisations in /etc had gone, my crontabs had gone.  That's what I've
found so far, there are probably other fuckups on their part.

All this because instead of cloning the data using something like Carbon
Copy Cloner, they'd installed a fresh copy of the OS on the new disk
(although, you should note, one that was two point revisions out of date
compared to what I had originally, it was 10.4.6 instead of 10.4.8) and
used Apple's migration tool.  I can *just* about understand that not
looking at my customised /etc/httpd/*.  But it is absolutely
unacceptable that it wouldn't:
  * apply all the OS upgrades;
  * transfer user information like crontabs
  * transfer /usr/local (which doesn't exist by default, so if it's
      there it's obviously there for a reason);
  * transfer the developer tools (a 900MB download if you don't have a
      backup of the installer);

Thankfully, knowing that software is hateful, and knowing that hateful
software wielded by drooling monkeys is even worse, I'd taken a backup
the previous night and so can restore things as and when I find them to
be geborkled.

Their excuse, by the way, was that "your operating system was corrupt so
we couldn't clone it".  Yeah right.  They couldn't explain precisely how
it was "corrupted".  Thankfully, I didn't have to raise my voice to get
a "goodwill" refund of the money I'd paid to have them take a backup and
then restore it.  I say thankfully because, although I do like shouting
at scum and reducing them to tears in public, I had an appointment with
a lady, and to keep a lady waiting would be most improper.


  Irregular English:
    ladies glow; gentlemen perspire; brutes, oafs and athletes sweat

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