Peter da Silva wrote:
>>   * If you have a UK Mac keyboard (on which Shift-3 is _, and # is found on
>>     Option-3), and you sanely set "Use option key as meta key"
> [insert years of hate over the program that leads people to consider this 
> sane]
> The keyboard remapping tools (or, rather, the lack of them) is a hateful
> feature of both OS X and Windows. Of course X11 was heading down the same
> dark path with X11R6 before the coup.
>> The lack of a working terminal emulator for Mac OS (no, iTerm doesn't count;
>> nor does anything run under X) is one of the reasons I'm going back to
>> Linux once I get a new laptop.
> You don't want to run an X-based terminal on OS X, so you're going to run
> an X-based terminal under Linux?


One must wonder how hard it can be to write a simple vtXXX-compatible
emulator for Cocoa that would work just like xterm.  Of course, these
days one would have to implement (at least) UTF-8, too.  In the mists
of time I wrote a line editor for a Japanese Z80 micro with honest
PEEK/POKE style of programming and memory-mapped 40x25 display,
but I think the source code is by now quite unreadable in dusty
C cassettes...

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