Only Microsoft could fuck up a file search function this badly.
That sucks. I guess I should be thankful for the few minor reasons I
hate Apple's latest search.
No thanks, I don't want your stupid search widget taking up that
much space in my menu bar. Especially since you've locked it to the
far right where I've had a clock for years. I guess I'll keep
disabling that bundle every time you release a system update, since
you couldn't conceive of users wanting to configure that part of the
menu bar.
That's funny, Spotlight, I distinctly told you not to index my
external (i.e. backup) harddrive - in the rare case that I need to
find something on the backup I'll use EasyFind. Why are you indexing
it right now?
Jeremy Weathers
Faith is taking the first step even
when you don't see the whole staircase.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.