Phil Pennock writes:

> On 2006-10-31 at 05:28 +0000, Smylers wrote:
> > OfflineImap crashes partway through syncing my mail with:
> > 
> >   Thread 'New msg sync from spam' terminated with exception:
> >   Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   [Snipped many lines of Python stack trace]
> >   error: APPEND command error: BAD ['Invalid internal date.']
> That BAD is a message from the IMAP server which you're syncing to.

Ah, thanks for that.

> OfflineIMAP's problem here apparently is that it's not gracefully
> coping with an error from the server.  Buggy, yes.  Rejecting bad
> dates, no.
> IMAP returns OK, NO or BAD in response to commands.  I mostly see BAD
> from Cyrus IMAP, which can be rather picky.

It's Dovecot in this case.

> it's better to not expose flakey mail-clients to potentially bad stuff
> and undefined behaviour, so just reject it before it gets here.

That's fine, except ... the only reason my local mail folders have that
mail at all is because they received it from that imap server, via

Dovecot is happy to let me download a mail message and then later
objects to me uploading that very same message that it's given me!  All
I've done is move it from my inbox to my spam folder (and told
OfflineImap to sync the change).  If Dovecot won't accept such messages
then it shouldn't let me download them in the first place!

> Possibly the problem is that the complaint is for the internal date &
> time, which is per RFC set to time message received unless set via an
> IMAP client.  In which case, the problem is explicitly in OfflineIMAP
> setting the internal time, not the message-header time.

The errant messages (for there have been more of them during today) have
a Date: field set to November 31st (Mutt displays it as December 1st).
What should OfflineImap send to Dovecot in this case?


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