On 12/12/06 01:23 Daniel Pittman wrote:

> This is simple:
>   format "~A ~A ~A" a-string an-array a-hash
> This is complex:
>   print "$astring, @anarray, %ahash"

I consider the Perl way of doing things simpler, but that's because I'm used
to it.  I don't think either way is more or less complex, or hateful.  It's
what you're used to, and how you're used to thinking.

> ...
> I hate Windows because it has sunk so far into that tar pit that most
> developers can't imagine the daylight any more, let alone see that it
> might be achievable.

What does Windows have to do with the hatefulness of Perl syntax?

> Perl suffers from wanting to be any number of things, and by adding
> extra complexity and indirection to achieve it.  It guesses what you
> want.  It has stupid interpolation defaults, but you can't bypass them.

There's a difference between hating software because it it doesn't make
sense to you, and hating it because it doesn't make sense.


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