It was thus said that the Great A. Pagaltzis once stated:
> * Sean Conner <> [2006-12-22 21:35]:
> >   But *neolithic code*?
> Yeah.
> >   What?  I should do
> > 
> >     map
> >     {
> >             open INPUT $_;
> >             &do_some_process;
> >             close INPUT;
> >     } @ARGV;
> Almost. You can do it that way if you prefer it, but in cases
> such as this one I'd write it like so:
>     for ( @ARGV ) {
>         # ...
>     }

  Ah, the Bronze Age code (more on this in a bit).

> Or you can call it `foreach` if you like that better.
> Independently of that, if you don't like the `$_`, you can name
> a variable explicitly:
>     foreach my $file ( @ARGV ) {
>         # and use $file here
>     }
> There is never a good reason to use `for(;;)` in Perl. If you
> need to iterate over indices, you do it this way:
>     for my $i ( 0 .. $#ARGV ) {
>         # ... and use $ARGV[ $i ] here
>     }
> As a side effect, you get to lose the `<` vs `<=` source of
> off-by-one errors.

  I think this makes Peter daSilva's argument about Perl and it's "There Is
More Than One Way To Do It" paradigm.  Let's see ... 

        for ( <init> ; <cond> ; <incr> )

        for ( <max-count> )

        for <var> ( <lower-bound> .. <upper-bound> )

  No wonder it's taking so long for Perl 6 to come out---the parser alone
must be horribly complex to disambiguate all these constructs (and from
other messages, the Parl 6 parser is even *more* complex).  

  Anyway, the bit about your code being the Bronze Age.  

  If the way I do it is neolithic, your's isn't much better.  It still
implies an order to the operations, whereas map doesn't have that
restriction and the code can be parallelized easier, and thus is a more
modern way of programming, especially given the rise of multicore processors
in even home PCs.  

  That's why I picked that particular example.

> But there is relatvely rarely even a need to index into an array.
> Most of the time you just want to either iterate over the whole
> thing or push/pop/shift/unshift elements. Makes code easier to
> read, too, and reduces coupling even at the most local scales.

  Perhaps for what you do.  I just checked some Perl code I wrote and I hit
specific spots in multiple arrays and can't see a way around that (LOG
refers to a webserver log file):

          my @entry = m/$c_parse_apache/o;
          my $size  = @entry;
          if ($size)
            $g_transfer += $entry[LOG_BYTES] unless $entry[LOG_BYTES] eq "-";
            $g_hits[$entry[LOG_STATUS] / 100]++;

  If you have a better way of coding this, I'm all ears (in fact, if you
want the entire script, I'm happy to send it to you ... )

  -spc (And don't ask me how the data is structured---I don't recall, since
        Perl lacks proper structures ... )

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