It was thus said that the Great Abigail once stated:
> > 
> > You are right that Perl 6 is less friendly (you could say hostile) for
> > people with different whitespace styles than Perl 5 was.
> Yep. Were one of the features of Perl1 to Perl5 was the fact that people
> coming from different schools would feel welcome, 

  I certainly don't feel welcome to Perl5, given that I'm apparently not
programming in it correctly or something:

        "Don't blame Perl for not having to translate your C code."

        "You just don't seem to know Perl."

        "Perl is not C."
                        -- Earle Martin

  And language family wise, C and Perl are close (compared to, say, Perl and

> Perl6 takes a dramatic
> steps and is outright hostile towards those not coding according to the
> standards set by the cabal.

  Don't blame Perl for not having to translate your Perl code.


  -spc (Yeah, I try to avoid Perl at all costs myself ... )

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