Yossi Kreinin wrote:
> Jarkko Hietaniemi wrote:
>> Just as sir da Silva's hate of Perl was (is) getting a bit repetitive,
>> your hate of Unix is getting a bit boring, sir.  Perchance we could move
>> on to open new Vistas of hate, please?
> "Boring" indicates that I've crossed the Line.

Just the boringness Line, nothing more, nothing less.

Note that I've got my own choice hates for all of the Unix, Perl, and
especially Perl 6 (oh, do I have bottled hate for that), but I'm these
days too tired to scribble those down to share my hates with you, my
brethren and sisters in Hate, for which I'm truly Sorry.

It's just that any hate being repeated over and over and over and over
and over again becomes stale, thus failing to freshen the mind as it

> I shall strive to keep my regular or at most context free hate out of your 
> mailbox, your honour. Consequently, I shall Establish and Maintain the 
> following 
> Best Practices:
> 1. I shall avoid defending software on hates-software
> 2. I shall avoid counter-attacks whenever someone doesn't follow Best 
> Practice 1
> So help me God.

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