It was thus said that the Great Michael Leuchtenburg once stated:
> Spake Adam Atlas:
> > Am I the only one who finds it hateful that most web browsers add new  
> > bookmarks/favourites to the BOTTOM of the list?
> Not only that, but the features which make it possible to actually
> organize bookmarks are so slow as to make them almost unusable. Why does
> it often take a couple of seconds to open or close the bookmark sidebar
> in Firefox? Is it so hard? It's a damn sidebar! Yes, Firefox, you're
> trying to render a page over in that other tab; the interface is more
> important.

  Have you *looked* at the bookmarks file?  Tag soup, which makes it
difficult to manipulate it with XML based tools.  Why they couldn't just use
<UL> and <LI> tags, I don't know.

  My major problem with the way Firefox handles the bookmark sidebar (which
I use all the time) is that sometimes the interface doesn't quite keep up,
and whole hiarchies of bookmarks get shoved to new and interesting places
(hey!  What happened to my daily blog list?  Oh, there it is, mixed in with
my daily comics trawling list---sigh).

> Responsive interfaces: relics of a forgotten age.

  What do you expect?  Half of Firefox is written in some unholy bastardized
scripting language du jour.

  -spc ("How much memory you got?"  "How much do you need?"  "And I asked,
        how much you GOT?")

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