On Mon, Jan 15, 2007 at 11:24:02AM +0100, Ole-Morten Duesund wrote:

> This all depends on where screen puts its sockets. Apparently your
> screen puts them in your homedirectory which appears to be on an nfs
> mount or some thing like that. This means that any screen session that
> runs on a different machine from the one you're using will appear to be
> dead and a candidate for '-wipe'. A more sensibly configured screen
> would store its sockets in a machine-local location. /var/run/screen for
> instance which wouldn't expose non-local screen sessions to an
> unintended '-wipe'
> Software sucks, shared storage sucks, non-shared storage sucks.

The docs suggest that screen should look at the hostname in the socket
filename and ignore any sockets that aren't on the local host. Seems
reasonable enough, and given that they've gone to the effort to store
the hostname in the socket filename, it makes a certain amount of sense.

In practice however, screen seems to crap all over everything it doesn't
like the look of at the drop of a hat. So yeah, NFS-mounted socket directories


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