* Aaron J. Grier <agr...@poofygoof.com> [2007-02-06 20:40]:
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 01:54:16PM +0100, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> > Pascal strings however *are* in fact a great idea for a
> > tiringly long list for reasons -- better than C strings in
> > every conceivable way bar one or two.
> they're a great idea if they are handled transparently, as they
> (almost) are in pascal.  dealing with such constructs under C,
> where the standard libraries are _not_ set up to deal with such
> things, sucks.
> somestring[0] = strlen(&somestring[1]);
> bleck.

Well that's daffy anyway, for the simple reason that it's O(n).
If you're doing it a lot, you might just as well use C strings.

There should of course be a complete replacement string library
if you're going to do Pascal strings so their handling is
transparent in your own code; and ideally you'd only translate
>from Pascal to C strings (constant time) rather than the other
way (linear).

Of course you can't avoid that entirely since there's so much
code already out there that works on C strings. Sigh.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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