So here I am, trying to print out a couple of chapters from a book on a
website. The website uses a default font of around, oh, 10pt. Firefox is
happy to override this for display on the screen, which requires all
fonts to be at least 12pt, but when it comes to printing, it's rather
unwilling to listen to me. I change my default font size to 18pt and, lo
and behold - nothing changes. Not in the print preview, anyway, and I'd
rather not waste paper exploring Firefox's brokenness.

So, I size up the font a bit more with Ctrl++. And, lo and behold -
nothing changes.

Next, I go into the print setup, and uncheck "Shrink To Fit Page Width".
This time, I'm ready, and as expected - nothing changes.

Back into print setup. I increase the scale to 125%. And hey! Suddenly
the print preview is showing roughly 125% the size of my default font.
Of course, that's now 18pt, so 125% the size is a bit too big, even for
printed reference material.

I try lowering it a bit, to 101%. Back to the previous tiny 10pt font.
110%? No good. 120%? Nothing. 125%? Back to huge-land. 121%? Nothing.
122? 123? Aha! 123%! The magic number! The number which makes everything
change! I've tipped over into the other path in some mysterious decision
tree deep within Firefox's no-doubt unruly bowels and, lo-and-behold,
the text is enormous.

There was a time, back with Firefox 1.0, when the print previewer would
allow you to set the scale and print with the desired scale, upon
finding the right size. Now, of course, not only do I get to play the
"which percentages actually make things happen" game, but I have to
dodge in and out of preview and setup in order to try things out.

Oh, and to make things better, the print preview isn't an accurate
picture of the way things actually print. That would be way too fucking
easy, wouldn't it? And we can't have users actually getting what they
want. That wouldn't be nearly hateful enough.

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