Somewhere on Shadow Earth, at Fri, May 18, 2007 at 01:33:17PM -0500, Peter da 
Silva wrote:
> Fortunately there are no hills worth the name in Houston. And it was an 
> RL01 disk pack and 8" floppies that contained my port of "ed" to 
> RSX-11... not punch cards.

Punch cards? I still have a few job decks, down in the basement somewhere. Talk
about hateful! Process:

1. Take your card deck to a device called "the lister", which just printed each
card, no pagination, no formatting, just one card per line.
2. Submit your deck to be run.
3. Sit down with your listing, and figure out where you program was going to PM
4. Punch replacement cards.
5. Continue waiting another half-an-hour (on a good day) for your job to run.
6. Watch on the monitor as your job moves from running to printing.
7. Wait anywhere from 10 to 30 more minutes for the printouts to be split, and
put into bins.
8. Pick up your deck, swap in the new cards, and re-run.
9. Analyse your printout, to see if it did fail the way you thought it would.
10. Punch the new cards to fix it.

If you were really lucky (and it wasn't too close to end of semester), you could
get three runs of your job in the four or five hours of lab time available.

Timothy Knox  <>
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
    -- Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of the C++ programming language

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