tgies wrote:
> Attention jerks,
> Okay, so you're going to use XML for every imaginable thing which you
> can possibly contrive a way to use XML for, including uncompressed RGB
> raster images, large relational databases, and the syntax for new
> procedural imperative programming languages. Fine. Fine. I suppose I
> can't stop you. After all, it is somehow considered new and it is
> somehow considered Web 2.0 and there is an X in the name.
> But, for pity's sake, if you are going to define a new XML schema,
> please do not be a complete retard. XML has these things called
> "attributes" for a reason. You do not need to define a separate tag
> for every possible property an element in your XML document may have.
> There is a reason that it is <font color="#FF0000" face="Comic Sans
> MS">Hello</font> and not
> <font>
>   <color>#FF0000</color>
>   <face>Comic Sans MS</face>
>   <text>Hello</text>
> </font>. Oh my God.

I would like, at this point, to pimp YAML a little.

  color: #FF0000
  rgb:   [255,0,0]
  face:  Comic Sans MS
  text:  >-
Oh hey, look.  It's a human
readable block of soft-wrapped

There will be snacks.

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