Oooh, a whole operating system I've never even heard of! Pray tell, what new
hates await us?

OS/1100, AKA Exec, OS/2200, Exec/8, is the OS on the Univac/Sperry/ Unisys 1100 mainframe. The file system consists of fixed-sized files containing variable-sized elements of four different types. Files may have a read password or a write password, and elements may have multiple versions. A file name may have a reel number or access locator, an f-cycle (version), and an account qualifier. The full syntax, from my memory, is (reel)qualifier*filename(f-cycle)/rkey/ wkey.element/version. But I think I've left some details out.

It's religiously line oriented. Commands start with "@", immediate commands start with "@@". Immediate commands really are acted upon immediately: entering the line "@@Q" is equivalent to an interrupt. There's no garbage collections, you have to periodically compact a file with "@COPY,P", and frequently need to enter a utility "FURPUR" (which stands for, IIRC, file utility routine program utility routine).

Between the funky file system, the card-punch style command line, the 36-bit word size, and the 1s-complement arithmetic, you'll understand why their largest remaining customer is rumored to be the IRS.

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