On Mon, 3 Mar 2008, David Mackintosh wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 09:51:52PM -0500, Chris Devers wrote:
> > On Sun, 2 Mar 2008, Michael Bevilacqua wrote:
> > 
> > > Tool Tips are quite possibly the most annoying feature of software today.
> > 
> > Best exemplified, of course, by Windows toolbar task tray tooltips. 
> > 
> > "Hey, you plugged something in! Click here!"
> > "Hey, it turns out you plugged in a USB device! Click here!"
> > "Why, this USB device turns out to be a hard drive! Click here!"
> > "Hey, if you want to use the new drive, you can now! Click here!"
> > 
> > Every. Damn. Time. 
> > 
> > Who the hell thinks software really should work this way?
> Well I do, but only because I can figure out what stage failed to
> work when it inevitably fails to work.

I think this is wrong. 

The stages should end up in an easily accessible log file, so that if 
things do go wrong, and you're trying to fix it, you know where to look.

It shouldn't be polluting the UI half a dozen times every time you plug 
in a USB flash drive, hard drive, etc. Just once, if even that many 
times, should be more than enough.

Chris Devers

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