(Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker) writes:
Timothy Knox <> writes:

I don't remember when, but somewhere in the last year or so, Firefox
has started to want the focus, ALWAYS! Firefox, I clicked on another
app! Just because some d*mn web page you are trying to render wants
to set a d*mn cookie does NOT give you the right to pop back in to
the front and steal my d*mn focus. You are *NOT* the center of my
d*mn computing experience! We are not in a monogamous, or even
serially monogamous, relationship. I will continue to see other
programs, and you need to stop calling all the time, and following me
around. Just wait your d*mn turn! You fetid pile of horse dung! ;-)

Oh, Firefox 3.0b3 (on Ubuntu Hardo^Hy Heron) takes this hate to a
whole new level! Occasionally, if I switch virtual desktops while a
page is loading, the piece of shit will TELEPORT ITSELF THERE when
it's done loading. Major Whisky Tango Foxtrot!

I especially like the way Firefox noticed that my monitor is 150DPI, so
it decided to show the web the way it /should/ be.

It took my nice, correct eight to ten point fonts and inflated them to
somewhere around twice the size!  Yay!  Now I get ten point font at
twenty point size!

To give Firefox what it is due, though, it /also/ inflated everything
else to match!  Extra yay!

Now I can have Firefox, which I loath, running with everything twice as
big and as bad as before!  Menus twice the size!  Icons scaled out of
proportion, because they were selected to match the display!

Thank you, Firefox, for reminding me why I loath you as a software
product.  You are, indeed, a horse built by a camel.

Regards, and a spork in the eye,
X Windows is the Iran-Contra of graphical user interfaces: a tragedy of
political compromises, entangled alliances, marketing hype, and just plain
greed. X Windows is to memory as Ronald Reagan was to money.
   -- The Unix Haters Handbook

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