On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 10:00:16AM -0500, Peter da Silva wrote:

> Twenty years ago I was appalled by the emerging model of GUI  
> programming, the unwonted intimacies between application and display.  
> For me, X11's modest attempt at establishing an arm's length distance  
> between the application and the display should have been only the  
> beginning, and yet rather than proceeding towards a situation where  
> the communications channel was more abstract, more "terminal-like",  
> everything went back the other way until now the whole crufty user  
> interface lives in the application, with every detail of the windows  
> and widgets and graphics and gadgets handled in the application's  
> context.
> ...
> I have had ideas about what a cleaner model might look like. I've  
> hoped that somewhere in Plan 9 or Layers or NeWS would be a new  
> metaphor that would save us from the horrors of the GUI event loop.  
> But nothing ever seems to arise, except in the most remote sense  
> maybe the complementary hate that is "Web 2.0".

While it does inexcusably lack some vital features (such as being
networkable), Win32 is better than X11.  At least it provides a standard
widget set (actually a small selection of widget sets) which are
implemented in system libraries which applications use.  Back when I
did Win32 I never told my application how to draw a scroll bar or a
button, I told it "put a scroll bar here and respond to these events".

Actually, I suspect that X11 does the same, but suffers from the problem
of programmers not historically being able to be sure that a given
widget set would be available everywhere - and what was available was
hideously ugly and only barely usable.  xterm scrollbars, anyone?

Of course, it's still wrong that in Windows (and X11) the code for
drawing a widget is in a library that gets linked into the *application*
instead of merely being a service made available by the terminal.  I'm
always puzzled by why the X11 gang did that, when they made fonts a
property of the terminal.

David Cantrell | Nth greatest programmer in the world

What a lovely day!  Now watch me spoil it for you.

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