Somewhere on Shadow Earth, at Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 03:27:06PM +0100, Tony Finch 
> Why yes, of course it makes sense to prompt me for a passowrd for every
> picture on the page!

I don't know that the English language has a word for hatefulness of that level.
So (being the  helpful soul that I am), I will propose a new one:

    The sort of extreme asininity that has a publicly accessible web page have a
    number (a staggeringly large number) of components that are only available
    from a password-protected portion of the site.

So we can now declare that website to be manchestery*.

*Perhaps we could shorten it to manky. ;-)
Timothy Knox <>
The one thing I've learned about freedom of expression is that you really
ought to keep that sort of thing to yourself.
    -- Scott Adams, _I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot_

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