- gdb debugging doesn't work
  something about not being able to find floating point or SIMD
  registers or somesuch

- search for the problem
  "oh, that's a kernel bug"

- update the kernel and reboot
  yum update blahblablah

- watch amd fall over on boot-up
  "can't lock pid...@hostname:/net"
  the kernel is finally being pedantic about what it's asked to lock

- search for the problem 
  "that's am-utils' problem, here's some solutions"

- download am-utils sources, create patch, rebuild RPM
  be in awe as I flagellate myself with reeds and perfrom majikal
  inkantashuns necessary to deploy a two-line diff.

- install and get back to the task at hand

software, you suck.

(I wonder if am-utils is working on a FUSE port to replace the userland
NFS pseudo-server?  that might actually make some sense...)

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." | agr...@poofygoof.com

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