On 27 Aug 2008, at 07:37, Joshua Juran wrote:

Perforce does not have branches.

The notion of a "branch" of development is implemented in different ways by different SCM tools. For me, CVS' invisible branching scares the hell out of me - it's too easy to get non-sticky stuff mixed with sticky stuff and end up in fuckedland right before a release. I also just find the whole CVS thing a lot harder to visualise than perforce's plain mappings.

What perforce does is implement branches in a way you don't like because you don't want to like it! I personally like it because the branches are right there - it's difficult to accidentally do anything.

In Perforce branch specs are better than macros because they have a creator (ie someone to ask) and (should have) documentation in them, and usually it's faster to integrate longhand anyway rather than trying to understand what the branch spec means before you take the responsibility of using it to make a change.


p4 integ ./personalbranch_containsnewfeature/... ./trunk/...

really more painful than

p4 integ -r -b makemybranch


For me the first shows my intention much more clearly, and this is the one I'd use.



I repeat: Perforce does not have branches -- at all. What it has is integration.

Its strength is its integration facilities. They make it really easy to create and maintain branches.

What I hate the most is that everybody still uses Perforce anyway[1], even though the deficiencies don't get addressed[2], even when much better free alternatives exist, due I guess to inertia and the cost of switching.

Cost of switching away from Perforce is more than 600 bucks a head? I don't think so. The cost in risk is high though, I guess, so maybe you're right - this is some form of inertia.

Perforce is the Windows of version control.

You mean it works fantastically and never falls over if your devs are responsible mature engineers and don't fuck about with it? :)


[1] The perl 5 codebase has moved from Perforce to git. But employers?

[2] How do you reverse a submitted change?

That you ask question 2 at all shows you have some emotional or religious prejudice against perforce - this is such a FAQ.

A change is a change is a change. What you want to effect is a change which reverts the crap one you just made. Hang on though - you made a crap change?

I would be asking why you checked shit into my repository and got yourself into a situation where you have to revert when perforce makes it really easy to make a personal branch to check your proto code into and work in until such time that you are confident enough in your change that you want to commit it to the trunk or a controlled branch.

You *never* need to check code in to test it using perforce. You can maintain a personal branch which is *exactly equal to* the head or trunk (or whatever "branch" you like) plus ONLY your code changes, so you can test it and make sure you like it before you make the commit somewhere important. AND you only need to use a personal branch if you're bothered about the intra-change revisions. If the change is small then just make the change on the live target branch and right before you commit, after you've resolved, you have on your machine exactly that branch as it is in the repo, plus only your changes, for you to build and test to your heart's content before committing.

Reverts sometimes have to happen because a junior coder did something dumb or someone headbutted the keyboard or something but they are *very* rare and something which your perforce admin can sort out for you in a jiffy. If they're not rare then you should be thinking about how you can use perforce to a better advantage.

I know it's poor form to swagger on about years of experience on this list but I've personally migrated going on a couple of hundred of engineers to perforce from VSS / CVS / SVN over the years and the reasons they don't like it are largely that they don't understand the concepts (through no fault of their own). Once these are explained to them in a way they can understand then they all - without exception - even the most fervent SCM haters - loved perforce, largely because of its speed and easy of use. Sorry to sound so happy clappy but it's true - usually the poor bastards who have perforce foisted on them don't have enough support to get them to that point.



PS . Perforce (the company) don't generally implement features like revert-whole-changelist because in practise you should never get to the point in normal usage where that's necessary. The perforce devs seem to think that making core engine improvements over bloat-features which are rarely used is the most profitable use of their efforts. I agree with them.

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