Philip Newton wrote:
You could also try "insert into foo values ('2')", for example.

Or even better :

mysql> insert into foo values('t');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Which most programs will interpret as a positive result and carry on.

You can make the above fail if you

mysql>set sql_mode=STRICT_ALL_TABLES

But then this has a tendency to break most PHP apps, like Drupal or Zencart. Not that that's a bad thing but it explains why it's not on by default, since mysql is the db of choice for PHP users.

My favourite mysqlism is that setting ENUMs for a field don't actually force you to use them unless you enable strict mode. So entering "blah" into a column that has an enum of foo or bar will not fail by default, just result in a warning, which as shown above will actually be interpretted as a positive result by most APIs.



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