I was browsing YouTube videos when I suddenly got:

400 Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.

Cookie: ...; watched_video_id_list_USER=[stuff in base64, but really a whole freakin' lot of it, such that even with the window stretched to fill my 24" screen, it goes all the way off the end]

Oh, so every video I watch (and rate, and every comment I vote on) gets recorded in a cookie and the entire cumulative history is sent back to the server on every request, expiring with the session. Unfortunately, this time Firefox failed to crash in advance of exhausting the allowed Cookie header length.

Well, now that I know the problem it's no big deal right? Just delete the YouTube cookies, and login again. Except, I use the "Sign in with your Google Account!" feature, which now does... nothing.

YouTube is the adopted black sheep bastard child of Google apps. I now hate it worse than PHP.


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