James Laver wrote:
> On 11 Oct 2009, at 18:15, Ann Barcomb wrote:
>> I think the conclusion is that there are many different forms of  
>> addressing,
>> and most software doesn't get it right.  Heck, many US webforms can't
>> even handle anything other than a US zipcode for the postcode section.
> That's fairly typical. There's an appalling lack of information out  
> there on how to multinationally handle addresses and postcodes. All I  
> know about US zipcodes, i learned on wikipedia.

Go postal.


> For one site I'm developing right now,  it would be advantageous to be  
> able to locate a customer by a country name and zip/postal code. In  
> the UK I can do that if I purchase the Postzon data from royal mail.  
> In the US, I gather you need an extended zipcode to get that kind of  
> resolution, and in other countries, you just can't have that at all.  
> If there's some sort of information out there to educate people about  
> how to deal with these problems (myself included), more people might  
> do it.
> --James

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