On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 02:24:40PM +0000, Smylers wrote:
> Roger Burton West writes:
> > ... take a list and put it into a random order... a Perl program.  Now
> > GNU sort has grown a -R option which does basically the same thing.
> > GNU sort is in C, so that might be faster, right?
> The doc for -R says:
>   -R, --random-sort
>          sort by random hash of keys
> Which implies its first generating a random key for each item in the
> list, then sorting by those keys, using the same sorting algorithm it
> would for 'normal' sorting.
> So it's hardly surprising that's slower than a dedicated shuffle
> algorithm.

Indeed.  The Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm is O(n), while sorting is
O(n log n).

> > Over a 180K-entry corpus, it's taking around four and a half seconds,
> > as against the 0.6 seconds of my Perl program.

log_2(180000) is about 17.5, so that's roughly in the right ballpark,
considering the normal Perl vs C speed differences.


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