On 27 Jan 2011, at 12:50, Marco Von Ballmoos wrote:

On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:45 PM, Neil Brewitt wrote:


Anyone who hates perforce is a victim of bad education or software religion.

I can't agree here. I'm a long-time user of Perforce as well and evangelized it 
over other solutions when it was still so clearly better. However, some of its 
processes have become a bit long-in-the-tooth when compared to other systems.

Thanks for a sensible response. To be clear - I wasn't comparing with any other 
modern systems, just responding to the absolute slandering of a tool I've seen 
used very effectively by hundreds of very competent developers. In fact I've 
not used git, hg etc in anger so the open source alternative today may well be 
significantly better than in the past.

I'm not religious about the tools I use, and will change my workflow to get the 
job done as easily and effectively as possible, so I am open to the possibility 
that hg and git knock p4 to the kerb these days.


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