On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:05:32PM +0100, demerphq wrote:
> Did i understand this right? Python doesn't allow empty sub definitions?

You can, if you like, consider "pass" to be the equivalent of the semicolon
at the end of the null statement. Except that you can't have redundant null
statements, since that is also Wrong and Against Nature.

Python zealots are a funny bunch. Never trust a language where its users
won't tell you that it sucks.

> Is this hatefulness a consequence of the other hateful bits in python?

Yes, because the syntax is brittle and this wart helps catch certain classes
of error that shouldn't have been possible to make in the first place.

I wonder if the Python inventers bothered to do any research into the merits
of whitespace-sensitive languages. Although that may well just have resulted
in Python programs ignoring everything after column 72 in the source.

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