On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 09:57:06 +0200, Gert Doering <g...@greenie.muc.de>

> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 09:51:42AM +0200, H.Merijn Brand wrote:
> > Absolutely. I blame annoyance
> > 
> > ... even with --without-ssl, wget fails to pass the test suite :(
> That might have been the SSL tests...
> ("No, we don't take into account that someone might have disabled SSL
> when running the test suite, this is not a recommended configuration")
> Of course I could find reasons to defend those programmers, but that's
> not the point of hates-software, no? ;-)

But it might help me to understand their stupid decisions. Again, it
makes absolutely no sense to me that *tests* require a c++ compiler
where the rest of the package is plain C for portability. That
completely defeats the use for test cases: check if it *also* works at
the target machine.

I was specifically interested in the fix for crashes on redirections.
That "fix" obviously doesn't work on my box

FWIW I meanwhile found *undocumented* that one can say


causing a complete build to end in

$ ldd src/wget
        libssl.so =>    /usr/local/ssl/lib/libssl.so
        libcrypto.so => /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.so
        libdl.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/hpux64/libdl.so.1
        libc.so.1 =>    /usr/lib/hpux64/libc.so.1

still fails ...

Found 2 broken links.


FINISHED --2011-08-12 11:15:29--
Total wall clock time: 0.7s
Downloaded: 3 files, 769 in 0s (33.3 MB/s)
Test successful.

pass: Test-auth-basic.px
pass: Test-auth-no-challenge.px
pass: Test-auth-no-challenge-url.px
pass: Test-auth-with-content-disposition.px
pass: Test-auth-retcode.px
pass: Test-cookies.px
pass: Test-cookies-401.px
pass: Test-proxy-auth-basic.px
FAIL: Test-proxied-https-auth.px
FAIL: Test-N-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px
pass: Test--spider.px
pass: Test-c-full.px
pass: Test-c-partial.px
pass: Test-c-shorter.px
pass: Test-c.px
pass: Test-E-k-K.px
pass: Test-E-k.px
FAIL: Test-ftp.px
FAIL: Test-ftp-pasv-fail.px
FAIL: Test-ftp-bad-list.px
FAIL: Test-ftp-recursive.px
Skip: Test-ftp-iri.px
Skip: Test-ftp-iri-fallback.px
Skip: Test-ftp-iri-recursive.px
Skip: Test-ftp-iri-disabled.px
pass: Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-1.px
pass: Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition-2.px
pass: Test-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px
FAIL: Test-i-ftp.px
pass: Test-i-http.px
Skip: Test-idn-headers.px
Skip: Test-idn-meta.px
Skip: Test-idn-cmd.px
Skip: Test-idn-cmd-utf8.px
Skip: Test-idn-robots.px
Skip: Test-idn-robots-utf8.px
Skip: Test-iri.px
Skip: Test-iri-percent.px
pass: Test-iri-disabled.px
Skip: Test-iri-forced-remote.px
Skip: Test-iri-list.px
pass: Test-k.px
pass: Test-meta-robots.px
pass: Test-N-current.px
FAIL: Test-N-smaller.px
pass: Test-N-no-info.px
FAIL: Test-N--no-content-disposition.px
FAIL: Test-N--no-content-disposition-trivial.px
pass: Test--no-content-disposition.px
pass: Test--no-content-disposition-trivial.px
FAIL: Test-N-old.px
pass: Test-nonexisting-quiet.px
pass: Test-noop.px
pass: Test-np.px
FAIL: Test-N.px
pass: Test-O-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px
pass: Test-O--no-content-disposition.px
pass: Test-O--no-content-disposition-trivial.px
pass: Test-O-nonexisting.px
pass: Test-O.px
pass: Test-O-nc.px
pass: Test-restrict-ascii.px
pass: Test-Restrict-Lowercase.px
pass: Test-Restrict-Uppercase.px
pass: Test--spider-fail.px
pass: Test--spider-r-HTTP-Content-Disposition.px
pass: Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition.px
pass: Test--spider-r--no-content-disposition-trivial.px
pass: Test--spider-r.px

H.Merijn Brand  http://tux.nl      Perl Monger  http://amsterdam.pm.org/
using 5.00307 through 5.14 and porting perl5.15.x on HP-UX 10.20, 11.00,
11.11, 11.23 and 11.31, OpenSuSE 10.1, 11.0 .. 11.4 and AIX 5.2 and 5.3.
http://mirrors.develooper.com/hpux/           http://www.test-smoke.org/
http://qa.perl.org      http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/

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