A place where I work recently upgraded Exchange. I interact with the
calendar part of it minimally -- receiving appointment requests by
e-mail in Mutt, and following a link in those e-mails to a web interface
for accepting or declining.

One of the 'enhancements' is that the web interface now takes it upon
itself to alert me to imminent appointments. And indeed to ones that
I've missed. Where it interprets 'missed' as me not having bothered to
acknowledge its reminder.

The particularly fun part is that during the years of its web interface
(or at least the one served to Firefox) not having 'acknowledge this
appointment' functionality, it'd still been quietly building up a list
of all my appointments and noticing that I hadn't acknowledged them.

So the first think I see on logging into the new system is a message
nagging me that I'm 1773 days late for an appointment. With my last-
boss-but-one, who left the company several years ago. In a building
which no longer exists.

Thanks, Exchange -- that's just what I wanted to know!


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