So I'm messing around with a web interface on an Exchange hosting
system.  This particular page lists a bunch of user accounts,
a page which is a forest of "enhance", "add feature", and "delete
permanently" links, one for each account, all very densely packed on
the page in tiny font so that you have to be incredibly careful to
click on the right link for the right user account.

And because this is so potentially dangerous, once you do click on a
link, the web page pops up a confirmation dialog before going to do
what you've asked it to do.

The confirmation dialog, in it's entirety:

  "Do you confirm this operation?  [Yes] [Cancel]"

...without ANY indication WHICH operation, or WHICH user account the
operation is going to be applied to!

You might as well pop up a dialog that says:

  "You've asked to do something potentially irreversable, but I'm not
  going to tell you what it is or who it will affect!  And if by some
  chance this is a mistake, we're not held responsible, because we
  warned you!   So, you gotta ask yourself the question, punk: do you
  feel lucky? [Yes] [No]"

...or even not bother with the confirmation dialog in the first place.

/ /()\ \ David Mackintosh |   |

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