Hello folks,

This is my first msg to the list - I just joined today, and I am a
novice Hadoop/HBase programmer. I have a question:

I have written a Java program to create an HBase table and then enter a
number of rows into the table. The only way I have found so far to do
this is to enter each row one-by-one, creating a new BatchUpdate
updateObj for each row, doing about ten updateObj.put()'s to add the
column data, and then doing a tableObj.commit(updateObj). There's
probably a more efficient way (happy to hear, if so!), but this is what
I'm starting with.

When I do this on input that creates 3000 rows, the program works fine.
When I try this on input that would create 300,000 rows (still
relatively small for an HBase table, I would think), the program
terminates around row 160,000 or so, generating first an
RetriesExhaustedException, followed by NoServerForRegionException. The
HBase server crashes, and I have to restart it. The Hadoop server
appears to remain OK and does not need restarting.

Can anybody give me any guidance? I presume that I might need to adjust
some setting for larger input in the HBase and/or Hadoop config files.
At present, I am using default settings. I have installed Hadoop 0.19.0
and HBase 0.19.0 in the "pseudo" cluster mode on a single machine, my
Red Hat Linux desktop, which has 3 Gb RAM. 

Any help / suggestions would be much appreciated.

   Ron Taylor

Ronald Taylor, Ph.D.
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics Group
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999, MSIN K7-90
Richland, WA  99352 USA
Office:  509-372-6568
Email: ronald.tay...@pnl.gov

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