Hi Aseem!
Not sure if you have had a look at the BigTable paper by google, great
bedtime reading material
to understand how HBase works.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Puri, Aseem <aseem.p...@honeywell.com>wrote:

> Hi
>            I am new HBase user. I have some doubts regards
> functionality of HBase. I am working on HBase, things are going fine but
> I am not clear how are things happening. Please help me by answering
> these questions.
> 1.      I am inserting data in HBase table and all regions get balanced
> across various Regionservers. But what will happens when data increases
> and there is not enough space in Regionservers to accommodate all
> regions. So I will like this that some regions in Regionserver and some
> are at HDFS but not on Regionserver or HBase Regioservers stop taking
> new data?

> 2.      When I insert data in HBase table, 3 to 4 mapfiles are generated
> for one category, but after some time all mapfiles combines as one file.
> Is this we call minor compaction actually?
> 3.      For my application where I will use HBase will have updates in a
> table frequently. Should is use some other database as a intermediate to
> store data temporarily like MySQL and then do bulk update on HBase or
> should I directly do updates on HBase. Please tell which technique will
> be more optimized in HBase?
> Thanks & Regards
> Aseem Puri

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