
Are you using any system/resource monitoring software? You should be able to see if you are IO, CPU, Memory/GC, or Network bound by doing some investigating during the import.... this should tell you if you can get better performance or not (and if things are maxed, you can figure the bottleneck and try to optimize).

Also, if you are doing an import into a new table, you could use the HFileOutputFormat. In my benchmarking, I saw about 10X improvement in performance compared to a heavily optimized normal import. Check out HBASE-48 for more information.


Amandeep Khurana wrote:
1. You need odd number of servers for the zk quorum. 3-5 should be good
enough. In your case, even 1 is fine since the load is not much.
2. We used 7200rpm SATA drives.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:57 AM, Dmitriy Lyfar <> wrote:

Hi Amandeep,

Thank you. I also forgot to mention that Zookeeper is managed by hbase on
both nodes and
quorum consists of two zookeepers per node.
Could you tell me how much Zookeepers should I have per this configuration
and how it usually should be?
BTW, which hards disks did you use?

2009/10/26 Amandeep Khurana <>

This is slow.. We get about 4k inserts per second per region server with
size being about 30kB. Using Vmware could be causing the slow down.


On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:04 AM, Dmitriy Lyfar <> wrote:


We are using hadoop + hbase (0.20.1) for tests now. Machines we are
on have following configuration:
4 core intel xeon, 2.27GHz
Two hbase nodes (one master and one regionserver), 6GB RAM per each.

Table has following definition:

12-byte string as Row
Column family: C1 and 3 qualifiers: q1, q2, q3 (about 200 bytes per
Column family: C2 and 2 qualifiers q1, q2 (about 2-4KB per record)

I've implemented simple java utility which parses our data source and
inserts results into hbase (write buffer is 12MB, autoflush off).
We got following results:
~450K records ~= 4GB of data.
Total time of insertion is about 600-650 seconds or ~7 MB/second or 675
per second, or 2ms per row.

So the question is: is this time ok for such hardware or did I miss
something important?
Thank you.

Regards, Dmitriy.

Regards, Lyfar Dmitriy

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