With multiple masters, the election is mediated by zookeeper and the
idle masters are awaiting the relection cycle.

The problems with brining regions up after a failure isnt the actual
speed of loading them, but bugs with the master.  This is being fixed
in 0.21. It will allow us to much more rapidly bring regions back
online after a failure.

As for loading a region across multiple servers, this would have to be
thought about quite carefully to see if it is possible. Right now
there is a substantial amount of state loaded that would be changed by
other servers, and you would still have to reload that state anyways.

We also need to ask ourselves, what does "availability" mean anyways?
For example, if a regionserver failed, does that mean hbase is
offline? The answer would have to be a "no", but certain sections of
data might be offline temporarily. Thus HBase has 100% uptime by this
definition, correct?

In the annals of distributed computing, you are only protected with
minimal downtime from limited hardware failures.  Once you take out
too many nodes, things start failing, that is a given. HBase solves
the data scalability problem, it solves the limited machine failure

I highly suggest this presentation:

BTW, what is your budget for "near 100% uptime" anyways?  How many
datacenters did you plan on using?

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Murali Krishna. P
<muralikpb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>    This is regarding the region unavailability when a region server goes 
> down. There will be cases where we have thousands of regions per RS and it 
> takes considerable amount of time to redistribute the regions when a node 
> fails. The service will be unavailable during that period. I am evaluating 
> HBase for an application where we need to guarantee close to 100% 
> availability (namenode is still SPOF, leave that).
>    One simple idea would be to replicate the regions in memory. Can we load 
> the same region in multiple region servers? I am not sure about the 
> feasibility yet, there will be issues like consistency across these in memory 
> replicas. Wanted to know whether there were any thoughts / work already going 
> on this area? I saw some related discussion here 
> http://osdir.com/ml/hbase-user-hadoop-apache/2009-09/msg00118.html, not sure 
> what is the state.
>  Same needs to be done with the master as well or is it already done with ZK? 
> How fast is the master re-election and catalog load currently ? Do we always 
> have multiple masters in ready to run state?
>  Thanks,
> Murali Krishna

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