Dear Georgos, Francesco, and all,

I think both problems are now resolved.

Georgos pointed out an error in the use of a gradiometer montage, which
Finally, using the structure of the empty-room noise covariance when
normalising signal power seems to remove any of the unusual structure in
the resting-state power profiles.

i.e. Computing source power maps with
trace(weights * datacov * weights') ./ trace(weights * noisecov * weights')

Many thanks for the help.


On 16 February 2015 at 18:56, Giles Colclough <>

> Dear Georgos, Francesco, and all,
> thanks for taking the time to respond, and for your clear replies. Problem
> (1) is solved, however I am still puzzled by (2).
> (1) I was estimating my noise variance by importing the data blindly into
> SPM. There was a scaling or unit transform being applied to the data which
> I had not accounted for. Thanks for clearing this up.
> (2) The aspect of the source variance profile which is confusing is not
> purely a function of depth bias: there is a bright plane which is unusually
> strong over a wide range of depths.
> Firstly, a clarification:
> We frequently work with pseudo-z stats for source power (see Vrba and
> Robinson 2001, link below). This normalises source power estimates by the
> power of the projected sensor noise. Computing source power with normalised
> weight vectors is equivalent to performing this normalisation post-hoc.
> I've slightly altered my scripts to clarify this, if it helps.
> Secondly, thanks for the scripts you sent over. They conveyed your points
> clearly. When we apply corrections for depth bias, we tend to exclusively
> use the 2-norm; although I understand that changing the norm will change
> the sensitivity to the depth bias, as your 3rd script illustrated nicely.
> However, I don't think that tailoring the normalisation for depth bias
> resolves the issue. The unusual source profile we observe is present in
> both the source variance computed using normalised lead fields, and in the
> pseudo z-stats, and remains visible under a range of choices of norm for
> the lead fields (e.g. (lf(:).^2)^0.5,  (lf(:).^2)^1). Indeed, the bright
> plane/stripe is clearly not solely a function of depth.
> It's perhaps easier to see this effect at a higher resolution: try running
> the script on a 4mm grid, under a range of depth normalisations.
> Thanks for your help,
> Giles
> Vrba and Robinson 2001
> On 16 February 2015 at 13:33, Georgios Michalareas <
>> wrote:
>>  Dear  Giles,
>> I ve looked a bit into your questions and your code. I have used the same
>> data file you used. I am sending you 3 matlab scripts , more or less based
>> on your code, in which I ve put some analysis which I hope can help with
>> your questions. I have put most of my comments and suggestions as Comments
>> in the M-files, preceded by my name i.e. %GIORGOS: . Please go through
>> them(they are not very long and I tried to keep them a bit tidy ) and let
>> me know if you have any questions.
>> 1. The variance of the empty room noise scans and the resting state scan
>> , at the sensor level, are very comparable.
>> See "code4Giles1.m"
>> In your code you mention as "source variance" to the diagonal of the
>> covariance matrix in source space. The value order and range of this
>> parameter largely depends on the Spatial Filter used to project the sensor
>> covariance matrix. In your code for example you normalized the Beamformer
>> Spatial Filters but their norm and then projected the data. If you dont do
>> this normalisation the diagonal of the covariance matrix takes a completely
>> different range of values. And if you normalise the Leadfield by each norm
>> , as is frequently done in beamformer solutions, (rather than the Spatial
>> Filters after they have been computed) then the range of values is alos
>> different. And in this case the exponent of the normalizing norm , also
>> affects the range of values.
>> See "code4Giles2.m"
>> 3. If no leadfield normalization is performed the beamformers have an
>> inherent bias towards the center. This is because in order to produce the
>> given sensor measurements from a dipole in the center of the brain , one
>> needs much more power than from a dipole on the surface closer to the
>> sensors.  The higher the regularisation (as expressed by the exponent of
>> the normalising norm) the more the bias shifts from the center towards the
>> surface.  When the exponent of the normalizing norm is 0.5 (or the square
>> root of the sum of squares), the bias is neither in the center nor on the
>> surface but spread in-between. If you would like your solution to  be more
>> biased towards the surface then an exponent of 1 is more appropriate.
>> Please see "code4Giles3.m"
>> Please have a look at the files and let me know for any questions or
>> comments you have.
>> Best
>> Giorgos
>> P.S.
>> -------------------
>> Better to use the latest Fieldtrip version
>> On 12/02/2015 12:48, Giles Colclough wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>  I have two queries I'm looking for help with.
>>  1. Why is there a scaling difference between the magnitude of the data
>> recorded in the noise scans, and the output of the rmegpreproc pipeline?
>>  I find about 30 orders of magnitude difference between the variance of
>> the empty room scan and the variance of the data outputted by rmegpreproc.
>>  Have the data been uniformly scaled? If so, by how much? This would be
>> useful information, for example, when source localising using the empty
>> room data as an estimate of the noise.
>>  2. When source localizing with a beamformer, I find an unusual variance
>> profile in the resting state data.
>>  Normally when we look at resting data, the source variance is
>> concentrated in a 'halo' around the outside of the cortex. In the HCP data,
>> this halo is present, but there is also a bright stripe bisecting the brain
>> around the central sulcus. We find this suprising, but have been unable to
>> determine what's causing it.
>>  The effect is very repeatable between participants.
>> I attach a screenshot of the effect, and two scripts to replicate the
>> analysis.
>> Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated.
>>  Many thanks,
>> Giles
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