Hi HCP Team,

Thank you for all the great works that have been done. I am new doing research 
in this area and would like to ask a simple question:

How do I extract time course for a volume voxel with MNI coordinate from 
CIFTI-2 *dtseries.nii file?

I am currently using the function ft_read_cifti in cifti-matlab library, but 
the data I got does not match with the graph I got from the workbench view.

Also, it seems in workbench v8.3 we could still export the time series graphs, 
but I did not find this feature in workbench v1.1.1.

Could you give me some suggestions on how to extract the time course for a 
single volume if I already have the MNI and IJK coordinate? I prefer to use 

Thank you. I would really appreciate if you could provide me with some hints.

Best Regards,

Hongquan Long

School of Computer Engineering

Nanyang Technological University

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