I'm not clear on what you actually want to do.  Timeseries are in the
.dtseries.nii file, not in the .dconn.nii file.  How to use an ROI as a
mask depends on what you want to do with it, but you can use it to average
contained rows together with -cifti-roi-average.

You can get the closest vertex to a 3D coordinate by using
-surface-closest-vertex (note: you will need to separate the points by
surface structure before using this command) or by clicking in the volume
at that point, with midthickness surfaces loaded.  You can identify a
vertex number (in order to load the corresponding connectivity row when the
dconn is loaded) by selecting the "Window" menu, "Identify...", selecting
"Surface Vertex" and the correct structure, and entering the vertex number.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Marta Moreno <mmorenoort...@icloud.com>

> Hi users,
> I have downloaded the HCP_S500_R468_MIGPd4500ROW.dconn.nii and want to
> seed in a particular vertex based on MNI coordinates to use the the
> seed-map as my mask.
> How could I get the functional connectivity matrix for particular vertex
> in whole brain and corresponding in time series?
> Thanks,
> Leah
> _______________
> Marta Moreno-Ortega, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow
> Division of Experimental Therapeutics
> New York State Psychiatric Institute
> Department of Psychiatry
> Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
> 1051 Riverside Dr., Unit 21
> New York, NY 10032
> office# 5700
> phone: (646) 774-5428
> email: mm4...@cumc.columbia.edu
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