Hi Joelle and all,

HCP does have running bedpostX on the diffusion data for HCP Subjects on our to 
do list, but this data has not been released yet. We are hoping to have this 
available to users by late winter/early spring 2016 after we release 7T data.





Jennifer Elam, Ph.D.
Outreach Coordinator, Human Connectome Project
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Box 8108
660 South Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
 <tel:314-362-9387> 314-362-9387
 <mailto:el...@pcg.wustl.edu> el...@pcg.wustl.edu
 <http://www.humanconnectome.org> www.humanconnectome.org


From: Joelle Zimmermann [mailto:joelle.t.zimmerm...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 12:54 PM
To: Jennifer Elam; hcp-users@humanconnectome.org
Subject: Tractography on diffusion data for SC matrices


Hi Jennifer,


I previously posted a question to the mailing list, and wanted to check with 
you as you may have a bit more of an insiders scoop.


I was wondering whether tractography has been performed on the diffusion data 
for the end of creating structural connectivity matrices for individual 
subjects; or something that is in the plans?  I would expect this is something 
that would be of interest to quite a few people, and would definitely be of a 
lot of use to me.




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