Thank you for any insight or advice - This is my first use of freesurfer
(and MRI methods in general) so I apologize if the question is overly

I have generated an analysis of HCP MEG data and have found correlations of
MEG metrics with Freesurfer volume and thickness measurements you made
available, which survive FDR correction.

I would like make a parametric map - to plot significant correlations of
MEG metrics with cortical anatomy - on the brain template, showing negative
and positive correlations on a color spectrum. I have downloaded and
installed Freesurfer and am trying (not yet successfully) to find
appropriate methods on the Freesurfer Wiki page.

Can you advise me how to associate a matrix of values describing p- and
correlation- values with a template brain relevant to the parcellation
scheme you have used?

Thank you in advance and kind regards,


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