Dear colleagues,
please, accept our advanced apologies for any multiple cross-postings...

The Society of Applied Neuroscience (SAN, in cooperation with the Medical
School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Department of
Neurology of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain
Sciences, have the great pleasure to invite you to the biennial meeting of
the Society, SAN2016 (, which will
be held in Corfu Island, Greece between 6-9 of October, 2016.

We cordially invite everyone engaged in studies of Neuroscience, to
participate in the SAN2016 meeting. Apart from the highly promising
scientific program, blended with numerous workshops and special sessions,
there will also be a lively social program which will give our guests the
opportunity to enjoy Greece and Corfu.We feel confident than you will enjoy
SAN2016 both scientifically and socially as one of our main purposes is to
give the chance to all colleagues to establish new fruitful international
collaborations in areas of mutual academic and clinical interests.

SAN2016 will bring together scientists and practitioners from a wide range
of specialist fields. These include, but are not limited to:

fMRI-NFB studies
Brain Computer Interfaces
Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation
Peripheral Biofeedback
Direct Current Stimulation
Event-Related Potentials
Brain Connectivity
Neuronal Reorganization
EEG and Cognition
QEEG Diagnosis
Emerging combined EEG and Virtual/augmented reality technology
Audio-Visual Stimulation
LORETA & Methodology
Clinical, educational, sport and optimal performance applications
Integrative Therapy
Complimentary evidence-based applications
...and all fields of applied neuroscience.

All the above blended by an attractive selection of keynote and invited
speeches, as well as, hands-on pre-conference workshops. There will be a
practitioner track focusing on topical issues. The conference committee
receives more proposals than space available. Careful attention to Quality
of work, clarity and completeness of the submitted materials is likely to
increase the chance for acceptance. All the accepted abstracts will be
published in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

SAN2016 abstract submission is supported by a Frontiers event and are
directly submitted through the following link until the *30th of June, 2016*

Numerous special issues and research topics are also planned by Society
members as per tradition.

We believe that SAN2016 will be a wonderful chance for you, to meet old
friends and make new ones. We look forward to seeing you in Corfu, Greece!

Panos Bamidis
John Gruzelier
Manousos Klados
SAN2016 Conference Chairs

[image: photo]
*Manousos Klados, MSc, PhD*
Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain
+49(0)-341-9940-2507 | +49(0)-176-6988-1781 | |
Skype: mklados <> | Stephanstraße 1a PC
D-04103 Leipzig Germany
<>  <>

 *Call for Papers (Frontiers):*Applied Neuroscience: Methodology, Modeling,
Theory, Applications and Reviews

<> *Find me at* SAN2016
Conference <>

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