Hi Tim,

Is this type of file OK though for seeding in FSL probtrackx?

Many thanks for your response,

From: Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu<mailto:tsc...@mst.edu>>
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 2:35 PM
To: "Shadi, Kamal" <kamal.shad...@gatech.edu<mailto:kamal.shad...@gatech.edu>>
Cc: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>" 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Problem loading a single surface ROI with wb_view

workbench does not support combined coordinate/data gifti files, as we see it, 
they are non-standard.  The error you got is actually just missing metadata, 
and that error usually appears in a dialog box where you can select the correct 
structure.  However, it will probably fail to load that file anyway, due to its 
combined coordinates/data nature.

I don't know what kinds of gifti the matlab implementation supports.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Shadi, Kamal 
<kamal.shad...@gatech.edu<mailto:kamal.shad...@gatech.edu>> wrote:
Hi All,

I used the following script to get separate mid-thickness ROI surfaces from 
MMP1.0 parcellation (In order to use in probtrackx2):

wb_command-cifti-separate $mmp COLUMN -label CORTEX_LEFT rois.label.gii
wb_command -gifti-all-labels-to-rois rois.label.gii 1 rois.func.gii
wb_command -metric-merge roi<i>.func.gii -metric rois.func.gii -column <i>
surf2surf -i $surf -o roi<i>.surf.gii --values=roi<i>.func.gii

The script seems to run with no warnings or so. Now if I want to view the 
surface ROI using wb_view:
wb_view roi<i>.surf.gii
I get “has missing or invalid structure” error.
Moreover, I cannot load the roi<i>.surf.gii file using GIFTI package in MATLAB.
Is there something wrong with the above procedure?

Kamal Shadi

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