Dear Matt,
Thank you again for your reply.
I have been able to find cope1 files for single subject task contrasts (e.g. 
cope1 file for working memory contrasts of subject 996782), but not for the 
S900 group (e.g. I have not been able to find a cope1 file for the S900 group 
for working memory contrasts).

I was wondering:
a) Is there any task contrast effect size map available for the S900 group? 
(even if they are not optimally scaled)
b) If not, would it be possible to generate a task contrast effect size map by 
using available S900 group data (e.g. the task contrasts zstat maps of the S900 
group), or would it be necessary to go back to the data of each individual 
c) If it is necessary to go back to the data of each individual subject, which 
approach would you suggest to combine all cope1 files of each subject of the 
S900 group into one effect size map of all subjects? Would something like 
normalizing the cope1 file of each subject (using wb_command as written below) 
and then averaging all normalized cope1 files work? Or would something as 
simple as averaging all cope1 files work?

wb_command -cifti-reduce <input> MEAN mean.dtseries.nii
wb_command -cifti-reduce <input> STDEV stdev.dtseries.nii
wb_command -cifti-math '(x - mean) / stdev' <output> -fixnan 0 -var x <input> 
-var mean mean.dtseries.nii -select 1 1 -repeat -var stdev stdev.dtseries.nii 
-select 1 1 -repeat

Thank you very much,
From: Glasser, Matthew []
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 6:53 PM
To: Xavier Guell Paradis;
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Very large z values for task contrasts in 
S900_ALLTASKS_level3_zstat file: what does this mean in terms of statistical 

The files called cope1 or beta are an effect size measure, however the released 
versions are not optimally scaled (because of a non-optimal intensity bias 
field correction).  We plan to correct this in the future.



From: Xavier Guell Paradis <<>>
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 5:41 PM
To: Matt Glasser <<>>, 
Subject: RE: [HCP-Users] Very large z values for task contrasts in 
S900_ALLTASKS_level3_zstat file: what does this mean in terms of statistical 

Dear Matt,
Thank you very much for your very helpful reply.
I will have to investigate this topic more, but is there any approach you would 
suggest to obtain effect size maps from the S900 group HCP data? I was 
wondering if the zstat data of the S900 group task contrasts could be converted 
to effect size values without having to go back to the individual subjects.

Thank you very much,

From: Glasser, Matthew [<>]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:33 PM
To: Xavier Guell Paradis;<>
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] Very large z values for task contrasts in 
S900_ALLTASKS_level3_zstat file: what does this mean in terms of statistical 

Standard error scales with sample size, standard deviation does not.  Things 
like Z, t, and p all also scale with sample size and are measures of 
statistical significance via various transformations.  Thus for a large group 
of subjects, Z and t will be very high and p will be very low.  Z, t and p are 
thus all not biologically interpretable, as their values also depend on the 
amount and quality of the data.  In the limit with infinite amounts of data, 
the entire brain will be significant for any task, but wether a region is 
statistically significant tells us little about its importance functionally.  
Measures like appropriately scaled GLM regression betas, %BOLD change, or 
Cohen’s d are biologically interpretable measures of effect size because their 
values should not change as sample size and data amount go up (rather the 
uncertainty on their estimates goes down).  Regions with a large effect size in 
a task are likely important to that task (and will probably also meet criteria 
for statistical significance given a reasonable amount of data).

A common problem in neuroimaging studies is showing thresholded statistical 
significance maps rather than effect size maps (ideally unthresholded with an 
indication of which portions meet tests of statistical significance), and in 
general focusing on statistically significant blobs rather than the effect size 
in identifiable brain areas (which should often show stepwise changes in 
activity at their borders).



 on behalf of Xavier Guell Paradis <<>>
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 3:46 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [HCP-Users] Very large z values for task contrasts in 
S900_ALLTASKS_level3_zstat file: what does this mean in terms of statistical 

Dear HCP team,
I have seen that the zstat values for tasks contrasts are very large in the 
HCP_S900_787_tfMRI_ALLTASKS_level3_zstat1_hp200_s2_MSMAll.dscalar.nii file, to 
the point that one can observe areas of activation in task contrasts by setting 
very high z value thresholds (e.g., a z threshold of +14).
I think (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the z values of the S900 file are 
very large because the group is very large, therefore the standard deviation is 
very small (given that there will be less variability in a group if one takes a 
very large group of people rather than a small group of people), and if the 
standard deviation is very small then even small differences from the mean will 
lead to very large z values.

I was wondering what implication does this have in terms of statistical 
significance. A z value of 14 or larger would correspond to an extremely small 
p value, i.e. it would be extremely unlikely to observe by chance a measure 
which is 14 times the standard deviation away from the mean. Would it therefore 
be correct to assume that the areas that we can observe in the S900 
tfMRI_ALLTASKS task contrasts with a very high zstat threshold (e.g., 14) are 
statistically significant, without having to worry about multiple comparisons 
or family structure?

Thank you very much,

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