
I am a very new HCP Connectome WB user trying to import nifti and gifti files 
into Brainstorm (Bst) for EEG modeling. I am having a strange problem and am 
looking for some direction. In the past I was able to import T1.nii volume 
files and lh.pial/rh.pial files from FreeSurfer with no problem into 
Brainstorm. Now I am trying to import similar files proceed by the HCP 
pipeline. Let me call these HCP-T1 and HCP-cortsurf, and the original 
FreeSurfer files FS-T1 and FS-cortsurf.

When I import the FS files into Bst they can be plotted in 3D, and align well. 
However, when I import the HCP-T1 and HCP-cortsurf, they do not align. In fact, 
assuming the T1 is correctly displayed, the surface ends up displaced about two 
head diameters worth and is also inverted L-R and upside down. This is very odd 
since these same two files align perfectly when viewed with the Connectome 

I need to point out that the FS-cortsurf is a full 250,000 vertex file for a 
particular subject, while the HCP-cortsurf is the 64,000 vertex version using 
the HCP standard.

Please provide me with some suggestions of how to begin to address this 
problem. The Brainstorm support personnel are unable to help me on this.


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