We have a version of the 17-network Yeo parcellation here:


163842 sounds like a freesurfer resolution.  If the version you have is on
the freesurfer atlas, then you can resample it to ours (or resample our
parcellation to freesurfer's atlas) following these instructions:


FAQ 9, "How do I map data between FreeSurfer and HCP?"

Note that if you want the left and right portions of each network
separated, or want each contiguous piece to be a separate entity, more work
is required.  We have a script somewhere that does these things...


On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 1:27 PM, David Hartman <dhartman1...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> *Background:*
> Regarding the parcellation of the cortex into functional networks (“The
> organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional
> connectivity,” Yeo et al.) Yeo breaks up the cortex into 7 networks.
> However, his cortical data has 163842 vertices, while the HCP data only has
> 59412 vertices.
> *Question:*
> I am looking to map the HCP data into these 7 networks, but I don’t see a
> way to get the data into the same format as Yeo’s data (ie. 163842
> vertices) to use his mapping.
> 1.  Does anyone know of a way to convert HCP data into the same format as
> Yeo’s data to use his mapping or a direct way to map the HCP data to 7
> networks?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> David Hartman
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