Dear HCP experts,
I have a dscalar file (myfile.dscalar.nii), and I would like to restrict this 
file so that it only contains data for CORTEX_LEFT and CORTEX_RIGHT.
If I do this right, CORTEX_LEFT and CORTEX_RIGHT should be a total number of 
59412 data points.

I have tried this, which has not worked:
-cifti-separate myfile.dscalar.nii COLUMN -metric CORTEX_LEFT 
-cifti-separate myfile.dscalar.nii COLUMN -metric CORTEX_RIGHT 
-cifti-create-dense-scalar myfile_leftandrightcortex.dscalar.nii -left-metric 
myfile_onlycortexleft.func.gii -right-metric myfile_onlycortexright.func.gii

However, when I open the file myfile_leftandrightcortex.dscalar.nii with 
Python, it has 64984 data points instead of 59412 (it should have 59412 if it 
truly only has data points for CORTEX_LEFT and CORTEX_RIGHT).

Is there another way to do this?

Thank you very much,

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