Hi all,

thanks for the comments! The idea to smooth the data was based on others
papers which did not use HCP data though. I always thought that smoothing
is a "good idea" for group studies in order to account for the
between-subject variability in the ROI based on the different brain sizes
and shapes.

The analysis I want to run uses the data from ROIs to calculate
connectivity between ROIs (DCM). The ROI extraction in SPM uses the
component that explains the most variance in a PCA. The extraction runs on
the smoothed volumes. The ROIs are based on some probabilistic atlas (e.g.
anatomy toolbox). I have about 300 subjects.

I thought the results will be relatively robust for different levels of
smoothing. But this is not the case. Since the CSF and WM signals have been
regressed out, I did not assume that this will have influence.

The unsmoothed results look much better though.



2018-05-30 0:51 GMT+02:00 Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu>:

> Volumetric smoothing in particular is not advised, as it causes signal
> from one bank of a sulcus to bleed into the opposite bank.  Analyses that
> average all signal within an ROI should have no benefits (and will have
> detriments) from smoothing, as the within-ROI averaging itself is a form of
> smoothing (but with a well-chosen ROI, it won't bring in signal from the
> opposite sulcal bank, etc, in theory).  Is this the kind of ROI analysis
> you are doing?  If so, I wouldn't trust the differences caused by adding
> volume-based smoothing, because they could be from nearby areas instead.
> Tim
> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 4:24 PM, David Hofmann <davidhofma...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> as far as I read in previous posts on the list, spatial smoothing of the
>> volumetric resting state data is not recommended. But this was with
>> regard to group ICA.
>> Would you also recommend not to apply any further spatial smoothing for
>> the (volumetric) resting state data, when running ROI-based (group)
>> analysis on multiple subjects?
>> Comparing the results of smoothed (4,6, FWHM) and unsmoothed data gives
>> highly different results in my case, so I'm a bit confused now.
>> greetings
>> David
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