Hi everyone,


I am working on the working memory task fMRI data and want to extract the exact times for when the first picture of each block is shown. I found the WM_run2_TAB.txt file and in it the column “Stim.OnsetTime”. However, the first stimulus is at 36 seconds according to this file, which contradicts the info in the Evs folder. I am guessing the Stim.OnsetTime includes some time before the task starts? Is there a way to find out how much time exactly that is, so I can get the exact time where the picture starts to be shown? Also, I couldn’t find an end time for the pictures. Is there an exact end time reported somewhere or do I have to use the approximate 2 seconds for the stimulus duration? There is the “Stim.OnsetToOnsetTime” Column, but I thought after every picture shown, there is a 0.5 seconds pause?


Thanks in advance,


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